Tuesday, May 3, 2016

ABA Plans Capitol Hill Event To Meet With Reps

<p>Members of the American Bus Association converge on Capitol Hill Wednesday, May 4 to meet with Congressional representatives and their staffs do discuss legislative and regulary matters related to the motorcoach, charter and tour industries. In this file shot from July 2013,&nbsp;<a href="http://ift.tt/1rgFOvt" target="_blank">Rep. Bill Shuster</a> (R-PA), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, (L) meets with ABA officials Clyde Hart, Daniel Hoff, Greg Cohen, Bob Schwarz and Peter Pantuso.</p>WASHINGTON, D.C. — The American Bus Association (ABA) will hold its first annual Capitol Hill Fly-In on May 4 to provide ABA members an opportunity to meet with their elected legislative officials and staff and discuss important issues facing the motorcoach, travel and tourism industries.

“The Fly-In, held during National Travel and Tourism Week, presents a key opportunity for ABA members to meet personally with their elected representatives and staff about their businesses, providing a chance to explain the impact our industries have on local and national economies,” said ABA President and CEO Peter J. Pantuso. “As Congress considers legislation that may influence how their business will be regulated, it’s critical our members’ voices be heard.”

ABA has been helping its membership in coordinating pre-arranged appointments with their legislators and staff, and more than 150 meetings are scheduled for the day. The event will take place in tandem with ABA’s Spring 2016 Board of Directors meeting.

The Fly-In will kick-off with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-Washington, D.C., addressing ABA members during a morning briefing session. Then, following an afternoon of meetings with officials, it will conclude with an evening reception at ABA headquarters. The following morning, Amy Walter, national editor of the Cook Political Report and former political director of ABC News, will share her insights on the national political scene with Fly-In participants.

About the American Bus Association
The American Bus Association (ABA) is the trade organization of the intercity bus industry, with more than 1,000 motorcoach and tour company members in the United States and Canada. Its members operate charter, tour, regular route, airport express, special operations and contract services. Another 2,800 members are travel and tourism organizations and suppliers of bus products and services who work in partnership with the North American motorcoach industry.


ABA   American Bus Association   charter and tour   charter and tour operators   industry politics   leisure travel   lobbying   motorcoach operators   motorcoaches   Peter Pantuso   U.S. Travel Association   Washington DC   


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