Friday, May 20, 2016

GCLA Resets Local Meetings Format

LOS ANGELES — The Greater California Livery Association (GCLA) deals with logistics like no other limo industry trade group. It has to fight for thousands of operators in a state with an 840-mile coastline and an economy ranking in the top 10 worldwide.

To bring its message and activities to more operators, the GCLA will launch a regional meeting format in June and July at different locations across the state’s vast and distinct northern and southern halves.

“Everyone is so busy it’s become impossible to get many people to travel from San Diego to Los Angeles, from San Francisco to the San Fernando Valley,” said GCLA executive director Tom Garrett, citing past locations for general statewide meetings.

“The most obvious solution to test out is to have smaller, local community events and still deliver what we’re hearing our members want: networking, getting ideas and feedback, while still belonging to a unified industry so you’re not struggling alone.”

The seven regional meetings are scheduled from June 6 to July 25 and will be held in the evenings in the 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. timeframe. Each meeting will have unique speakers and presentations, but common networking opportunities and state legislative and regulatory updates, Garrett said.

“Each event will be organized by a local GCLA board member who will be the one to push promotions and be the onsite host,” Garrett said. He estimates each event could attract about 100 attendees.

The GCLA recently posted meeting dates and locations, with agendas still to be announced:

Most meetings are free, but a few will require a fee. All include dinner and offer cash bar drinks. Non GCLA members are welcome to attend.

Also on the GCLA schedule this year:


California operators   GCLA   Greater California Livery Association   limo associations   networking   state regulations   


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