Making Car Seats Worth It
A family traveling with children often asks for car seats or boosters. Parents have them at home, and at their destinations, but just for the ride to or from the airport, we livery folk often provide the seat. This seems to be a standard offering, sometimes as a free courtesy or for a fee. But the transaction is seldom the premium service it should be. Like many other specialties, it may be wisest to outsource this amenity. Parents, law enforcement, drivers, and your insurance company may all be happier.
What To Provide
Travelling parents cannot possibly know the car seat laws at every destination. If operators provide the seats, shouldn’t we know the rules? This is a legal issue that will sour parents, police enforcement, and your insurance company. Just look at the differences between some of the largest states. New York is comparatively lax, while New Jersey is extremely specific — driving across these two state lines with a child in the car is taking a risk because the rules change a lot.
Keeping it Clean
Every insurance company that insures our fleets says we and our employees should never install the car seat because we should not take on the liability of proper installation. But if we transport car-seat-aged children, we will always be liable for safety. Add the safety issue of bacteria and grime left by previous occupants, and it is easy to understand why insurance agents and parents are not pleased with car seats and boosters.
Don’t Go It Alone
Imagine opening the trunk at the airport pick up location and having parents see their child’s travel needs already there, including a playpen and stroller. Many airports have rental services that make child travel easier for parents and smarter for us. Companies like Baby’s Away and Toddler’s Travels offer sanitized rental equipment that is legal, insured, and professionally installed, often right at the airport.
Rather than stockpiling banged up seats we know are never cleaned, consider offering to pick up exactly what parents order for a car seat, have them professionally installed, and even pick up the rental stroller and playpen while you’re at it. Then, we can charge a premium fee for an unquestionably first-class service.
Let LCT know your experience with these services in a future issue.
Anne Daniells Ask LCT child safety customer service liability
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